Thursday, January 29, 2009

Is this now Wow for Dummies?

There are some many different things compared to leveling this time than to last time. I'm going to sound like an old man here, but back when I levled pre WOTLK. You had to get to lvl 30 to get your first riding mount and if you wanted another factions mount, you had to grind out your reputation to exalted. Now they give you're riding mount at 30 and have taken away the need for exalted to get the other factions mount. It just seems like they're trying to make it easier to get to lvl 80, but then what? From what I hear every major raiding guild has destroyed all the end game stuff and is now patiently waiting. I remember hearing about Kara and how it took wipe after wipe after wipe. That it took days to actually run the instance, now people are ubbered out and then what? They get bored with the game and find another game. We'll see if that happens to WOW. Hopefully they can keep things interesting.

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